Tubocas Tubocas

About us

TUBOCÁS, S.L. started to produce generators of hot air with biomass in the nineties in Castilléjar in Granada, after three generations dedicated to the metallic carpentry and metal work. 

In 1998, the company received financial aid from the European programme LEADER + and we built a new factory with machinery and equipments to manufacture in the industrial sector. Before 2008, we specialised in making generators of hot air with biomass for poultry farms and helicoidal pipes with galvanised metal in Andalucía, Murcia and Extremadura. 

From 2008 we have been the first company in introducing the biomass heating equipments in the industry, such as in the greenhouses of Almería, equipments specially designed to be integrated in the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and courgettes.

In 2013 we were granted the prize of Andalucía Emprende (Entrepreneurial Andalucía) from the regional government of Andalucía to the most innovative company of the province of Granada. 

In 2014 we received financial aid of the agency Agencia Idea and the Energy Agency, so we could start building a new factory, premises of 2,800 m2 on a plot of land of 40,000 m2. In 2015 we started in our new factory in Huéscar in Granada.

Our premises are modern and are divided in two areas, one for the manufacturing of generators of hot air and burners of horizontal flame, and the other one for the manufacturing of high quality pallets. Both areas have modern machinery, mostly from Spain, to make our products.

Our new brand TUPELLETS started in 2015, for which we obtained the certification ENplus® A1 given by the Spanish agencies of the sector AENOR and AVEBIOM.